Are You Looking for a Life Coach to help your Teen/ Young Adult with the struggles they are facing?
Good news, you have come to the right spot!
Do you as parents worry about your teen/ young adult?
Do you see them struggle while facing difficult challenges?
Are you looking for resources to help them navigate the world they live in?
We as parents can see how incredible they are, and we want to help them reach that potential. Well, that is where hiring a Teen Life Coach can help.
What is a Professional Teen Life Coach?
A Professional Teen Life Coach is a trusted mentor who can help your teenager identify their struggles and uncover new ways for them to achieve and renew their fullest potential.
A Professional Teen Life Coach can help them clarify their goals, identify the obstacles that are holding them back, and then come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle. It is a one-on-one relationship that provides a supportive and non-judgmental space to help them create what they want for themselves.
A Professional Teen Life Coach can help them identify and teach them the skills they need to work through the issues that are causing great stress or anxiety in their life.
A Teen Life Coach can play multiple roles in their life: unlocking their potential, allowing them to discover their best self, untangling themselves from the stress and anxiety life can have. A Teen Life Coach acts as a motivator, accountability partner, strategist and mentor.
My program will lay out these steps and help your teen identify and reframe their thoughts and attitudes. It can also help them break negative habits, acquire new methods of identification, and take action to achieve their best and most comfortable self!
What happens in a Life Coaching Session?
Each session is tailored to the client and will vary based on the individual needs.
Each session runs about 45-50 minutes.
In the beginning, we will discuss what it is that the teen wants to accomplish.
During our work together, we will begin to create a plan to achieve their goals. If they are not clear on their goals yet, that is ok too!
We as Life Coaches are trained to ask the right questions, actively listen to what they are saying and help them decipher what truly matters.
Each week we will explore how to make positive changes in their life based on these aspirations. As your teen’s coach they will receive continued support and feedback to help them stay focused on their goals, and they will be given personal tasks and objectives to work on outside their sessions to help stay on track.
Our sessions are interactive and will challenge them to habit change which will help overcome the barriers that are holding them back. We will work together to acknowledge obstacles, explore alternate perspectives and celebrate successes.
With the conclusion of each session, we will revisit your teens goals and evaluate the next steps that are needed to achieve these results. I promise getting clarity in a session is thought provoking and fun, and your teen will be excited to come back for more!
Does my Teen/ Young Adult really need a Life Coach, can’t they just do it by themselves…wont they grow out of this struggle?
Well, some might say “yes” my response is “Do the best Athletes have a coach?…YES” Life coaching can take your teen move above and beyond their own personal limitations. Most Teens are so boggled down with the stressors in their life that they can’t even get out from under their own heaviness. A Professional Life Coach can offer them an unbiased and objective perspective and can help them realize what patterns and habits are causing this. If we are honest, we know our kids tend to listen better to an outside source which is another reason teens are more open and responsive to a Life Coach.
Life is not meant to do alone; we are stronger in pairs, and we gain strength with support. Teen Life Coaching will help them to overcome their struggles all while giving them encouragement along the way.
How is Coaching different from Therapy?
Life Coaching is distinct from traditional therapy because coaching focuses more on the client’s here and now and conducts sessions with the future as the central point to encourage personal development and self-improvement.
Counseling is a form of talking therapy assessing the individual in the here and now, but with a focus on past events that have contributed to a client’s struggle.
While the Life Coaching I provide can be therapeutic, it is not considered therapy. Even though emotional issues may arise, the primary focus of Life Coaching is for me to help my clients identify their struggles, recognize what it is that is holding them back, and work on positive change to develop constructive habits and skills for them to achieve their goals. There is little emphasis placed on the past with Life Coaching, but instead the focus is on creating what you want now and how to acquire it in the future.
How long do people generally work with a Life Coach?
To experience the effectiveness of a life coaching program, I suggest clients make a commitment to a 12 week program, this is where the success happens. The outside stressors, the ones that can’t be controlled, the ones that are causing the problems will not just suddenly disappear, but the way your teen handles them can change. It is the skills they will learn in this 12 week program that will help them better handle what is causing them such heartache. At the end of the three months, we will evaluate the progress made and discuss options for continued support and coaching. Like anything, to get better at something it takes practice. Life is ever changing and ever learning; Life Coaching is here to be the anchor for as long as one desires.
Is Life Coaching confidential?
What we discuss will be held in confidence and not shared with others. However, it is important to know our discussions are not privileged for legal purposes. The privilege of confidentiality that exists for the clergy, therapists and attorneys is not granted to coaching professionals. That still said, life coaching sessions are a confidential process, and your personal information will always be protected between me as the coach and you as my client.
How do I learn more, and what is the next step?
Contact me and take advantage of my Free 1:1 clarity session.
This session will allow you, as the parent, to better explain your teen’s current situation and what it is you see as the struggle.
This Free session will also help you understand what my coaching program can do for your teen by giving insight into this program. There are no obligations by accepting this Free session, so don’t wait, take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.
I can service clients throughout the United States via Zoom, or phone so no worries during this time of pandemic uncertainty. We also understand the busyness of life so take advantage of this opportunity to talk in whatever space you feel comfortable.